Become a member

As a non-profit organisation (NPO), we welcome members who participate in the smooth running and support of our activities, and assist us in important decisions for our project. In addition, members provide an essential link between the organization and the community in order to respond to its needs.

Members of the Forges pay an annual fee of $20 + taxes* which helps to support the organization financially, while offering members benefits such as priority access to Forges events at Priceand voting rights at all general and special meetings of the organization. 

Your presence as a member is essential to enable our organisation to serve its community and preserve the intangible heritage of traditional blacksmithing. We need you to continue our mission!

To become a member, write to us at [email protected] with your full name, telephone number and e-mail address. We'll e-mail you an invoice for your membership fee, and you're officially a member of Les Forges de Montréal!

We thank you warmly for your support. 

Illustration by Julien Castanié, created for the Forges de Montréal permanent museum exhibition, Savoir-FER

*At the AGM on April 27, 2022, it was voted to change the Priceannual membership fee from $40 + tax to $20 + tax to allow more people in our community to become members of the Forges de Montréal.