Tours for school groups
Visits to the Forges de Montréal
Tours include a visit to the exhibition exhibition and a forging demonstration. The subjects covered are in line with the MEES learning progression.

Blacksmithing, past and present
Elementary cycles 2 and 3, Secondary 1 to 5
From the Iron Age to New France and today, learn more about the evolution of the blacksmith's trade! This history-focused tour highlights the social role of traditional blacksmithing.
The science behind the forge
Elementary cycle 3, Secondary 1 to 5
What are the properties of the metals used in metalwork? How is metal transformed into everyday objects? This tour explores the science behind traditional blacksmithing.
Savoir-Fer: Blacksmithing in our society
Elementary cycles 2 and 3, Secondary 1 to 5
A general tour of our exhibition, which looks at ironwork from the angles of history, science and the restoration of built heritage.
Do you have a special request?
We'll be happy to design an activity to suit your group's needs!
Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your project.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (438) 386-9182

New! Practical workshops for secondary 5 students
The workshops explore the history, techniques and skills of blacksmithing. They include a theory, demonstrations and hands-on practice.. They are taught by blacksmiths and mediators. Students can learn blacksmithing techniques and leave with their own creations. An unforgettable experience!

Off-site activities
Our team will come to your premises to offer mediation activities! We offer a 30-minute interactive presentation with manipulatives and video clips. This is followed by an activity adapted to the age of the students.
Choose one of the following activities:
- Clay horseshoes (from age 5)
- Metal bracelet (from age 7)
Visit to the Forges de Montréal :
- 9.50+tx per student
- 1 accompanying adult free for every 10 students
- Maximum 50 students
- Cold meals can be brought in and eaten on site
- Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Off-site activity (Price per group of up to 25 students):
- Presentation and clay/metal bracelet activity: $170+tx
- Additional students: $7+tx
- 20 discount on any subsequent activity scheduled on the same day
Information and reservations:
[email protected]
(438) 386-9182